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Manifesto for Articreature



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Manifesto for Articreature

Imperfection is beautiful.
Western ideals of perfection and beauty may not fit with our Asian culture. The Japanese has a concept of wabi sabi, which regards beauty in things imperfect, impermanent and incomplete. In Articreature, we believe in not putting an end to things, but instead keeping things going, and always remembering to allow some rough edges, some humanity, to exist.

Losing is a way to find.
Caution is the biggest block to invention. No loss, no gain. The best way to discover is to lose yourself. In Articreature, we invite readers to lose their previous conceptions about life, so as to re-trace they have lost and discover new experiences.

Interaction is a key to building relationship.
Articreature will not only interact with our readers through pictures and words, but also let them personalize it.

Bring out those animal instincts.
Articreature will help sniff out the most exciting though neglected happenings in and outside Macau.

A square is firm but flexible.
A square is a solid shape, but with its four equal sides, it is also a perfect playground which remains the same no matter which you turn. At Articreature, we say: It’s hip to be square.

Art is a playground for enriching culture and history.
All creatures are being enriched in the playground of art and they are enriching the spaces they live and the time they stay on as well.

Ecology is equilibrium.
Nature gives us the best example of the coexistence of countless ideas and forms. In Articreature, you will find a host of writings and images that will stir your mental ecology of ideas.


Coco Lei Chi Neng