To foster exchanges between universities in Macao and Shanghai, Chao Kuang Piu College (CKPC) of the University of Macau (UM) and Meng Xian Cheng College of the East China Normal University (ECNU) jointly organised the summer exchange programme ‘City and Culture: Focus on Shanghai and Macau’. 20 participants from the two colleges visited Shanghai and Macao and conducted field studies in humanities, geography, science and technology, culture and creativity, and nature. During their time in Shanghai, the participants visited the Shanghai Museum, the Guangfulin Relics Park, and more. They were also divided into five groups to visit different parts of Shanghai to explore the city’s historical and cultural heritage as well as its local customs. In addition, the participants from the two colleges formed a big team to introduce the cultural heritage, cuisines, street characteristics, and local customs of Shanghai and Macao to primary school students in Wujing, a town in Shanghai. During their visit to Macao, the participants learned about the world heritage sites in Macao. They also visited a number of famous landmarks including the Ruins of St. Paul’s and Mount Fortress to explore the Historic Centre of Macao and experience the city’s unique blend of Western and Chinese cultures.

Source: Chao Kuang Piu College
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