Class of 2016 students of the University of Macau (UM) Honours College (HC) on May 9 gave a talent show at UM’s Cultural Centre, which attracted over 350 people. All proceeds from ticket sales will be donated to the Caritas Macau.

Different from the other talent shows, this talent show was presented in the form of a musical performance about love, friendship, and campus life. To give the audience a unique experience, the students included singing, dancing and orchestra performance in the show.

One of the performers said that participating in the show was a memorable and wonderful experience, although it was not easy because there was only less than a month to prepare, and they had to find time amid preparing for exams and school projects. But the closer bonds fostered through working together towards the same goal, the positive feedback from the audience, and the fact that all incomes from the show will be donated to charity made all their time and effort worthwhile.

The talent show is one of the course requirements of the Honours Programme course “Development of Leadership Skills”. It aims to enhance students’ creativity, teamwork spirit and leadership skills. This year’s talent show was supervised by Dr. Udani.

For the full version, please refer to Chinese version.

Should you have any inquiries about the press release, please feel free to contact Ms. Albee Lei and Ms. Kristy Fok at(853)8397 4323 or or visit UM webpage