The new campus is divided into four parts, the east, the south, the west, and the north, for maximum convenience for staff and students. Read on for more details.

The lengths of the new campus from south to north and from east to west (in the middle) are approximately 1,600 metres and 650 metres respectively. If you walk really fast, it would take you at least ten minutes to cover the entire length from south to north. The more than 60 buildings are distributed in the four parts according to their different functions, making it very easy to find your destination. The interbuilding distance is less than 300 metres to make sure that students can make the transfer between different buildings within the ten-minute break.

The library, the Central Teaching Building, the various faculties, and the Student Activity Centre are in the east part of the campus. The Postgraduate Houses and the Staff Quarter are in the south. The west is mainly occupied by residential colleges, while the north is where the laboratories, the Administration Building, sports facilities and the UM Guest House are located. Each building has been given a code for easy identification of its location (e.g. the code for the library is E2, which means the second building in the east. The code for the University Mall is S8, which means the eighth building in the south).

On your first visit to the new campus, it’s wise to get a campus map (as appended, red for east, green for south, blue for west, and gold for north), or pay attention to the signage in front of the buildings, so you won’t get lost.