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The 19th Macau Arts Festival

by Elmo Hong



Yo! Hip-Hop

by Coco Lei & Wang Lin



Sacred Legacy

by Helen Ji



Full of Passion Full of Fun

by Susana Chan



Healthy Mind, Healthy Body, Healthy You!

by Wang Lin



Yo! Hip-Hop

By Coco Lei and Wang Lin


Baggy pants, baseball caps, and camouflage hoodies. These are typical garbs for Hip-hop artists and the kids that follow them. The stylistic queues are right out of the American ghettos and the artists that have risen out of them.

Rhythmic lyrics and steps that move to the natural beat of the heart are causing not only the audience to jump from their seats but the very air to move in time to the beat of the music. This is Hip-Hop night on the stage at Macau’s Pak Wai Activity Centre. This regular performance is hosted by the Macau Street Dance Culture Association which was established within the last two years with the rise in popularity of Hip-Hop in Macau.