Professional Development


An Investigation of an Innovative Professional Development Model and its Effectiveness for Improving Early Childhood Program Quality and Enhancing Children's Learning and Development


This experimental study aims to examine the efftiveness of an innovative web-based professional development (PD) model for preschool teachers for improving teaching quality and children's learning. Situated in Guangdong Province and Macao, and based on an experimental design, a total of 240 preschool teachers will be randomly assigned to two experimental conditions: while both groups receive web-based PD for two years, one group receives an innovative web-based consultation in addition to full web access, and the other group have full access to the website resources without the web-based consultation component. Teachers' use of website materials will be monitored, and surveys will be conducted to measure teachers' engagement and satisfaction with the web-based PD process, their levels of involvement and satisfaction over the two years of implementation. Central to the research aims of the project, the teaching quality in the classrooms of these teachers will be assessed by using empircally valideated tools--Classroom Assessment Scoring System and the Chinese Early Childhood Environment Rating Scale, and the children's longitudinal learning and developmental outcomes will be measured. Comparison analyses will be conducted between the two conditions on both teaching quality measures and on children's longitudinal learning and developmental outcomes.


Bi Ying HU(PI):
Xitao FAN (Co-PI):


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