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HPM is the International Study Group on the Relations between the History and Pedagogy of Mathematics, affiliated to the International Commission on Mathematical Instruction (ICMI). By combining the history of mathematics with the teaching and learning of mathematics, HPM is the link between the past and the future of mathematics. Therefore, the group aims at stressing the conception of mathematics as a living science, a science with a long history, a vivid present and an as yet unforeseen future.


HPM website



HPM 2020

HPM 2020 is a satellite meeting of ICME-14 and is the tenth quadrennial meeting of the HPM Group.

Important Dates


Due to COVID-19, HPM 2020 will not take place in July 2020. Being a satellite meeting of ICME-14, which has also been postponed until the northern hemisphere summer of 2021, further information will be announced after more details regarding ICME-14 are known.


Deadline Extension: Submission of proposals for research reports, workshops, and/or posters are due by November 10, 2019

Notification of acceptance (or not) of submitted abstracts: December 30, 2019

Conference: July 21 to 25, 2020